Going to Trial: What's at Stake?

Understand What This Examination Process Really Means for You
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Posted on June 28, 2012 by Jeffrey Feiler

You're busted. The police, not to mention the prosecutor, feel they have enough evidence to take you to trial. And if you're found guilty, you could spend time behind bars. But if you're found innocent, you go free. At least, isn't that the way it goes on TV? Perhaps. But the problem is your life isn't a scripted TV show. And deciding on whether or not to go through with a trial can be the most important decision you'll ever make, often affecting the rest of your life. Funny, they never show that part on the TV shows, do they?

The reality is that a trial is not the kind of thing you can take lightly. There are many factors to take into consideration and it takes a deft eye to catch them all.

Do you have past convictions for similar offences? What kind of evidence do they have against you? How solid are the witnesses? Can they connect all the dots? Just how strong is their case? And, most importantly, how will you react on a stand? These are just a few of the questions an attorney must address. And it's key that yours isn't afraid to address them honestly, not just tell you what you want to hear.

Every Moment Matters
Many people believe that a case only begins after you arrive at the police station and start answering their line of questioning. But really, it starts the very moment you are put in a police car and head to the station. See, many cars have recording devices that can record any slip of the tongue you might make during your arrest. Similarly, phones at the police station and jail are often tapped to record your "private" conversations, picking up useful tidbits about the case for a lawyer to use against you later on.

That's why, when deciding on going to trial, you can't assess your situation alone. You need impartial advice from someone, a lawyer, who is experienced and knows the every aspect of the process and knows exactly how a courtroom really works.

Don't Wait To Hire Professional Help
Just a few days after your arrest the prosecutor will do what is called a "Case Review." This is a process whereby the prosecutor decides if there is enough evidence to convict you. This may be the time you need an experienced lawyer the most. In presenting your side to the prosecutor at this crucial moment, your lawyer may convince him or her to drop all charges without a trial.

But if that doesn't happen, then it's time to make an informed decision and go with the plan of legal action that is best for you and your needs. That course of action could be making a plea bargain, pleading guilty in exchange for lesser time in prison, or choosing to fight the charges 100%, all the way, relying on your legal team and a fair jury to acquit you.

Before you can make a decision as important and crucial to the development of your situation as this, you need the sound council of a professional who has your best interest at heart. You need an experienced lawyer in your corner.

Jeffrey Feiler is a well-known Miami criminal defense lawyer and Miami DUI Lawyer who has been successfully defending the rights of clients for over 20 years. Mr. Feiler and the Feiler Law Firm are compassionate to individual's needs, while simultaneously obtaining desired resolutions and judgements.

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